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Zimbabwe 2022 Population and Housing Census Report Volume 1
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This report presents results of the 2022 Population and Housing Census (PHC) which was conducted from 21st to 30th April 2022. The census was the first undertaking by Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT) using the Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) method.

The migration from Paper Assisted Personal Interview (PAPI) to CAPI enabled ZIMSTAT, for the first time, to produce preliminary census results within three months of data collection.  The census was conducted in accordance with the Census and Statistics Act Chapter [10:29].

It was guided by the United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 3. Preparations for the census began in 2019. However, the advent of COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 interrupted the mapping exercise and supply chains which were critical components of the preparatory phase of the census. ZIMSTAT lost ten months of preparatory work as the mandatory compliance with COVID-19 induced lockdown restrictions took effect.

However, the 21st April 2022 target was comfortably met, owing to more resources that were availed by Government as well as exceptional commitment and dedication by the ZIMSTAT team. The census was conducted using the de facto approach which entails enumeration of individuals in households where they spent the night of 20th April 2022, being the census night, regardless of their usual places of residence. The census was conducted at an opportune time when Zimbabwe is in the process of implementing the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1) in pursuit of Vision 2030.

The census results provide useful indicators to assess progress in the implementation of various programmes under NDS1, Agenda 2063 and Sustainable Development Goals. 

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Settlements, anthropology, archaeology, education, traditional beliefs, manners and customs, demographic data, recreational areas and activities, social impact assessments, crime and justice, census information. Economic activities, conditions and employment.
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Maintenance Frequency
Frequency Of Maintenance For The Data Is Not Known

For providing background demographics to the countries regions

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